Music Programs

By utilizing a combination of after school, weekend, and summer programming, AGFM has developed one of the most comprehensive string music education programs in the Southeastern United States!

After-School Violin Instruction:

A Gift For Music’s after-school program serves third through fifth grade students across five Title-1 schools in Orange County. Our program provides tuition-free music education through the use of violins, the Kurt Sassmannshaus violin method, aural training, and music theory to keep students engaged and excited!

Our 2021 – 2022 School Year Locations:

  • Engelwood Elementary School
  • Forsyth Woods Elementary School
  • Lake Silver Elementary School 
  • Riverdale Elementary School
  • Ventura Elementary School

Our dedicated instructors and assistants work with students weekly in each of these schools for the entire school year, teaching them how to play their instrument while developing their creativity, self-confidence, discipline and teamwork skills.

Contact us for more information about our After-School Program and how to enroll your student.

Saturday Strings Orchestra

A Gift For Music’s five Saturday Strings Orchestra ensembles rehearse each week during the school year and perform regularly throughout the community. Students can join our Saturday ensembles at any time in their musical careers. Learn more about our ensembles below:

Contact us for more information about our Saturday Strings Program and how to enroll your child.

Private Lessons

A Gift For Music provides one-on-one private violin training lessons from a dedicated instructor to select students enrolled in the Saturday Strings Orchestra program. Private lesson students are given the opportunity to perform both individually and cooperatively for concerts, fundraisers, and special events. 

Summer Camp

A Gift For Music’s summer camp is a full week jam-packed with rehearsals, music theory, aural training, and more. The best part is that it’s a lot of FUN! This exciting camp focuses on nurturing and exploring students’ musicianship and is completely free for qualifying students.

Register for the 2024 Summer Strings Camp here.

“Whatever event in life we go through, there are a thousand years’ worth of music written by people who might’ve felt the same.”

Zulieka, A Gift For Music Student

“I’m getting to see these kids and instilling this new beginning in their lives that, hey, here’s new music and here’s a new avenue you can approach, and not just music on the radio, but something you can actively do to increase your own abilities.”

César, A Gift For Music Instructor and former student

“We take a lot of classes on teaching in school, we learn how to teach, but we don’t get a lot of hands-on classroom experience until our senior year. But thanks to A Gift For Music, I have had hands-on teaching experience since my freshman year. Working with the After-School program and Saturday strings, I get to make my own lesson plans, teach techniques, teach songs. It has been a true blessing and I feel so much better prepared now to teach than I would have without AGFM.”

Maddy, A Gift For Music Instructor and University of Central Florida Student

“Some words of wisdom for incoming students is to never give up, as cliché as that sounds, if it seems like something is frustrating you in the music, that means that you’re trying and you should keep up with that momentum. Never give up.”

Champ, A Gift For Music Student

“My words of wisdom for incoming AGFM students is to just be your truest self because you’re going to love every second.”

Lucy, A Gift For Music Student

“So excited my child gets to learn violin because I always wanted to learn and couldn’t afford the classes. Great to see it’s free and the violins are provided. She knows how to play the piano and I’m so eager to add violin to her music experience. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity on her behalf. I appreciate the fact that she can participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Thanks sincerely.”

A Gift For Music Parent